Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Juvenile Delinquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Juvenile Delinquency - Essay Example Those who will walk in the company of wise will continually be wiser unlike those who seek the counsel of fools. It records that those who seek the latter counsels subsequently suffers from unnecessary harm and afflictions. However, the counsel of just friends only brings happiness, success and blessings to a young man’s life. The book instructs stern warnings against youths who befriend individuals with unjust lifestyles. It advices that youth should not seek heed of the enticements of sinners who persuasively desires to recruit them to immoral and unaccepted actions. Young men are advised to relate wisely with charming women. They should avoid of wicked women who may lead them to a regrettable life. Such women should not entice or control them. Parents should at all times appeal and remind their sons of the instructions of the book of proverbs. They should faithfully teach their children the just ways of God even to be faithful to it. That their sons will not ignore these proverbs counsels in their youths lifestyle. As their children approach their youth’s life, they become independent in their decisions. It’s therefore the Wright counsel that will help them make acceptable decisions and escape the wrath of sin. Parents should therefore instill these instructions to their teenagers at all times even if they tend to rebel. The father should strive to ensure that his son does not give into the control of erroneous mentality of a youthful age. He urges his son to follow the ways of God at all times and avoid the misery of falling in the hands of adulterous women and crime. The path of the son has to be straight as this will deliver him from perversity of evil and walking in darkness. A father should at all times speak of the future life to his son. He must not tell his son of the days of his youth but rather the coming days of his son’s youth. The son will be in a better position and the upright mind to decide correctly

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